Roller chain is manufactured in 10 foot pieces, but many applications require specific lengths.
For this reason, roller chain stocking distributors "cut" and connect roller chain to specific "pitch" or foot size.

A-Z Iron and Steel CO has been cutting roller chain to specific lengths for mud pumps, drawworks, and many other oilfield and industrial applications since 1993. Our method is below:


Remove 10 foot pieces from boxes; this is the standard length from the manufacturer. 
“Pitches” or length required varies per application, confirm length with end user.

Roller chain - 10 foot piece
Roller chain tool and pin


Use a hammer and solid metal tool to remove cotter pin from top plate.
Use hammer to remove the connecting link and inner plates.


Using the connecting link and inner plates from the cut piece, connect 2 chain pieces together. There will be 2 inner plates between each roller.
The hammer is useful in tapping the connecting link through the rollers.


Roller chain connecting link and plates
Roller Chain Cotter Pin


Firmly stamp the top plate over the final roller; use the steel tool as this will take effort.
Once top plate is firmly stamped, insert and bend cotter pin.
Spool the chain together for the completed piece!

Email or chat +447985423624 for a fast response and a detailed quotation for roller chain.

Why Choose A-Z Iron and Steel CO for your roller chain requirements?

A-Z Iron and Steel CO is a stocking roller chain supplier for Renold roller chain and Link-Belt roller chain.
We stock API 7F certified oilfield roller chain, which has superior fatigue and shock load resistance providing maximum performance and reliability. If you are operating or repairing drawworks, mud pumps, catshafts, or countershafts, we can supply the best roller chain and roller chain parts to meet your requirement.
A-Z Iron and Steel CO offers standard box length of 10 feet and can also cut to exact pitch length as required.
We also supply the complete Renold roller chain product line for a variety of mining, food & beverage, trenching, and industrial applications.
We support clients worldwide daily and can prepare shipments to your requirement.

Learn more about the wide variety of oilfield products available at A-Z Iron & Supply.